Why Do I Wear a Cross?
I definitely don’t wear a cross because I’m religious. (Please read my other blog.) I wear a cross because I believe God asked me to make it and then wear it.
Being a craftsman, it was very easy to make a simple cross from two pieces of Ash wood. It has no varnish and is not meant to be pretty! The cross was used by the Romans as a torture deterrent - so that their subjects did not step out of line. Death by crucifixion was slow and extremely painful! God chose an especially horrible way of dying to take the punishment that we deserved. When we acknowledge that Jesus died for our sins then we can go near a Holy God. (If God allowed sin into his presence then he would cease to be holy!)
When I first started wearing my cross, I thought that it was so that others could see that I am a follower of Jesus and his teachings. As time has gone by, I have come to realize that I mainly wear it for me!
I take it off for the night and each morning I have to consciously choose to put my cross on. Jesus did tell his disciples to pick up their cross daily – meaning that they should choose to follow God’s leading rather than their own selfish desires.
I wear my cross as a constant reminder to myself to behave as Jesus would like me to. Of course, I don’t always succeed because I’m naturally selfish. It does help me to act in a more ‘Christ-like’ way because others will be reminded that I’m a Christian and will keep an eye on me. I have to be on my guard not to dishonour Jesus by being selfish.
Every day I ask God to help me to act and speak well. When I allow him, his Holy Spirit gives me what the Bible calls the Fruit of the Spirit. (This is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control.) It is only with the Holy Spirit’s help that I can be like this.
Let me know if you see me misbehaving!!