God Made Me Creative
I can see potential in things that others view as a pile of junk. I made a model tent from an old pie tin and grass from old carpet underlay.
I (like you) am made in God’s image and I have the potential to be ‘like’ him. I can express it in my creativeness. I can look at a block of polyurethane and see inside it the potential for being a thing of beauty. Inside the block of plastic could be a horse’s head. All it needs is for me to remove the bits that I don’t want.
Michelangelo called the blocks of stone which he carved into ‘captives’. The beautiful sculpture was waiting inside for him to release it.
God sees your inner beauty that others probably don’t see. You have lumps of greed, selfishness and impatience which block how God intends you to be. Don’t be held captive by guilt and anxiety or imperfections and insecurities that hold you back. Jesus died to set you free from all that. He wants to help you to move towards and become the person that you were created to be. You are unique – there’s no one quite like you and you have an inner beauty waiting to be released. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in you. To take away what spoils and mars you from what you were meant to be like. You are beautiful. The world may not see it but God certainly does!
