But I'm a Good Person
God is HOLY – perfect, unblemished. It’s what he is and he can’t change. He cannot have sin (our selfish choices) in his presence or he would cease to be what he is. So many think and hope that God will overlook their faults because he is the God of Love after all. They believe that he will forgive them because they’re not a pedophile or Adolph Hitler.
If you miss your plane to New York by a day or by 30 seconds, you’ve still missed it! We all do wrong selfish things - It’s our fallen human nature, that the Bible calls sin. Getting to Heaven is not a matter of weighing up how much good or bad you do. No one can reach up to God by self-effort, despite what most people believe. Not one of us is good enough.
God had to solve the problem himself, by coming down to us in the form of Jesus and then paying the penalty for sin on our behalf. It’s why Christianity is different from all other religions. It’s God reaching down to man, not man reaching up to God. Only Jesus, as a sinless human, could take the punishment that we all deserve. However short we fall, we all fall short of perfection. Only Jesus could make it possible for us to be in relationship with God, free from the barrier of sin.
All you have to do is acknowledge that you are sinful, say thank you that Jesus took punishment you deserve and invite God into your life to help you make wise, loving decisions. It’s a constant choice, which the Holy Spirit will help you with, if you let him. So many Christians are still unkind, selfish and arrogant. But that is because they are not living how God would want them to. They are living by their own agendas or standpoints. God is LOVE and Christians living a life guided by God’s Holy Spirit will manifest God’s love in what they do and say. So often we Christians don’t reflect God – SORRY! We all have a lot to learn. God never takes over and man always has the choice whether to live a life of love or not.
I can’t tell you who will be in Heaven (in God’s presence) for eternity. That is between each one of us and God. But the only way of making sure that you will be there is by inviting Jesus into your life to help you. This prayer could begin your own relationship with Jesus:
“Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the selfish things I have done wrong in my life. I ask your forgiveness. Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins (selfishness).Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit to be with me forever. Thank you Lord Jesus, Amen”