
The Holocaust is a taboo subject for many and some find the subject just too upsetting. I have attempted to display this model as sensitively as I can. About seven years ago I was given the 1:160 scale painted figures and cattle trucks, along with some other parts which I have chosen not to use. I have concentrated on the transportation into a camp of many families, mainly Jewish. How could a nation be so brainwashed into believing that fellow humans are in some way inferior and how sad that people could be treated like this?
Somebody many years ago was making a model of a concentration camp and became too ill to complete it. The salvaged parts were then passed on to a series of friends until they finally reached me. I have contemplated how to display them, with the sole idea of educating that a tragedy like the Holocaust should be remembered and learnt about so that it is never repeated. Sadly, we live in a world where greed and mistrust still multiply. The innocent are still caught and suffer in the irrupting wars. Every country has disturbing parts of its history, so I am not trying to target one group or nation as evil. Although Nazi teaching about certain groups is disgusting, nations like my own (England) have a bad past too. Britain created concentration camps for the Boer peoples of South Africa in an effort to control the guerrilla war which was taking place. We were imposing our rule over peoples who were hostile to us, but our imperial dominance forced our control over them. This should never happen in the present day, but sadly recent news shows that it does. Please learn from history and don’t repeat it!
I am sorry if this model disturbs you, but it should!