How Many Gods Are There?
I believe in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. There is only one God, but he is made up of three distinct parts. But how can God be three but also one? This is a puzzle which has baffled people for centuries. God, the Trinity – Yahweh/Jehovah – is made up of Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. They work together in perfect harmony and there is no competition between them. Each has his differing roles, but they are one!
You will never understand God fully. How could you? You’re a mere human with limited understanding. God is beyond our comprehension just like he has always existed, even before time was created. Just like the universe has no limits, God is limitless - he is everywhere and he will always exist! We live in a world with boundaries, so it’s hard for us to understand.
Something that has helped me to understand this conundrum is that everything that God created bears a Trinity mark. The universe is made up of five components, but each of them is made up of three distinct parts.
TIME is made up of Past, Present and Future
SPACE is made up of Height, Width and Depth
POWER is made up of Force, Work and Elapsed Time
MATTER is made up of Mass, Space and Volume
MOTION is made up of Speed, Time and Distance
Creation bears God’s signature on it!
Even MAN is made up of Body, Mind and Spirit. We are made in God’s image after all.
Three is a special number. Three is the smallest number that we need to create a pattern. It is the perfect combination of brevity and rhythm. Everything that comes in threes is perfect or every set of three is complete – ‘Omne Trium Perfectum.’
I hope this helps you to understand a puzzling fact but you can ask me more if you email me at andybelseymodels@hotmail.com