Where have the tutorials gone?
I removed the tutorials because I now have a book which is much more comprehensive. It has over 300 colour photos, showing step by step how I made everything. It's a mix of modelmaking techniques and the history behind them.
It is available from online bookshops like WH Smith, Waterstones, Foyles or Amazon,
but is also available direct from Crowood Press.
Reviews of my book
The skill and detail in Andy's models is an absolute delight, and he shares his skills in a host of well explained hints and tips of how to build your own WW1 trench models, adding the lovely WW1 Tommy's War figures, plus doing some straightforward conversions with them as well. You will also gain a greater understanding of the way the famous trench systems of the Western Front were constructed by the 3 main nations involved, Britain, France and Germany. Definitely one I'd recommend.
-Robin Buckland
Wonderfully presented, great pictures, background information and tips. My congratulations to Andy Belsey, I say you've created a gem.
-Tommy's War Modellers Group
A very good book for anyone interested in this conflict. The construction of every type of work on the Western Front is presented in great detail. This then gives instruction on how to achieve the same result. The illustrations are superb and the whole book is well worth a place on the shelf. Brilliant publication.
-Anthony Kirkham
Excellent title, packed with information & good-quality photographs, & laid out in an easy to read format. Step-by-step descriptions of all the vignettes included, & tools, techniques & colour guides. Highly recommended!
-Chris Oldfield
I have had the great good fortune of being given the opportunity work with archaeologists excavating British and German trenches on the Western Front in both France and Belgium. Using this experience as a background I was able to combine my reach into the archives, photographs and film of the Great War to build a series of full scale replicas for teaching culminating in the Railway wood trenches at the Kent Show Ground. This led to the opportunity to work with film directors such as Sam Mendes and Stephen Speilberg to build trench locations for films such as '1917' and 'War Horse’. Although I work 'full scale' and assume that I know quite a bit about the subject Andrew Belsey's book 'Modelling World War 1 Trench Warfare' came as a revelation. Drawing on unimaginable skill in creating miniatures and backed by in-depth research his book is a 'must have' volume for modellers, but will be a useful guide for armchair historians of the period and battlefield tourists. It should be on your book shelf or better still in your car as you tour the battlefield where, very largely, the trenches are now the 'battlefield beneath our feet’.
-Andy Robertshaw, Director, Battlefield Partnerships Ltd
Here is a link to a review of my book by Robin Buckland
Please contact me if you have questions. andybelseymodels@hotmail.com
Mike Butler has published his own book which features several of our joint projects, as seen on the front cover. Mike is one of the best figure painters in the world and his book contains a wealth of helpful hints, tips and information which will be helpful to any modeller, whatever their skill level.